Below you can see how open open chords turn into Barre chords. The G shape is difficult for most, but that’s okay.
The main barre chord shapes that are used are the E and A shape. With that said, the scales that go around the G shape are commonly used.
If you find that you can’t stretch your fingers enough to play the chord, check your thumb position.
Keeping it straight up and down on the back of the neck allows a greater finger span.
Also, try the chords at a higher up on the neck where the frets are closer.
Each day move the chord down to a lower fret.
For the Caged System, it’s really important that you can visualize the chord even if you can’t play it yet
Repetition is key. Try each shape for a few minutes at least once a day. Your hand will develop the strength, coordination and the toughness to get each chord shape down.
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